Celebrate with Faith

Fourth of July as Christians

Join together for a day filled with faith, freedom, and fellowship as we honor the values that make our nation great.

Why Celebrate?

The Significance of a Christian Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is not just a day of fireworks and barbecues; it is a time to reflect on the blessings of freedom and the principles of faith that our nation was founded upon. Celebrating this day in a Christian style means acknowledging God’s hand in our history and recommitting ourselves to living out His teachings in our daily lives. It’s a moment to gather with our community, give thanks, and pray for our nation’s future.

Our celebration emphasizes the values of faith, family, and freedom. We believe that by coming together in worship and fellowship, we can strengthen our bonds and renew our commitment to the principles that make our country strong. Join us as we celebrate with special services, community gatherings, and activities that honor both our faith and our nation.

Event Ideas

Patriotic Worship Service

Visit a church worship service dedicated to celebrating our nation’s independence through prayer and song.

Community Picnic

Bring your family and friends together for an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship.

Evening Prayer Vigil

End the day with a peaceful prayer vigil as you give thanks and seek blessings for our nation.

Fireworks Fellowship

Enjoy a spectacular fireworks display with your church family, or local community gathering to  celebrate the freedom we cherish.

A Joyous Celebration!

Be a part of a Fourth of July celebration! Whether you attend a special event, tune in to WLCM, or join a community activity, your presence will make it even more special.